Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday in Florida

Our last day on the beach was a great one. We did our usual morning routine of breakfast then head for the sand this morning. As soon as we made it to the tent, Caleb was ready to get in the water. Fortunately, we had already sunscreened ourselves to the point that there was absolutely no way we were going to get burned any more that we already had. (It only took us 4 days to figure out that it's easier to put on sunscreen in the condo than on the beach where it mixes with sand and hurts.) We wasted very little time grabbing the boogie boards and heading into the water. Caleb had Mr.L. and I laughing with his new favorite phrases: "ride 'em cowboy," "oh my goodness" and "ride, Clyde!" After what seemed like forever, Rudy finally convinced Caleb to take a break and come hang out under the tent to get some time in the shade after a lady on the beach said that she had seen a shark nearby when she and a friend were kayaking. We weren't totally sure it was true, because she didn't tell the lifeguard when he drove by, but we weren't taking any chances. There were some guys fishing with squid a little ways out from us and we thought they might just attract the shark up closer.

While we waited out our Jaws encounter, Rudy and Caleb made a "sand house" for a crab that Caleb found. Unfortunately, the crab was deader than a doornail...but at least he stayed put on top of his sand house. We kept expecting a seagull to swoop down and pick it up, but I never saw it happen. After what we decided was a sufficient wait on the shore (like we really had any idea), Rudy and Caleb went back out in the water. Caleb must've been feeling extra brave, because he told Rudy he didn't want the boogie board anymore. Rudy tossed the board up on the sand and carried Caleb back out in the water. Then he saw the sandbar and told Caleb he would have to stand up by himself. Caleb didn't protest, so Rudy tried it out. That was all she wrote! He stood on that sandbar and had the best time of his life. Rudy and I helped him jump a few waves and he loved it! He fussed a little when the water got in his face, but he toughened up pretty quickly.

We came in for lunch around noon. Mom pulled a miracle and got Caleb to take a nap. Rudy and I got cleaned up and went out for an afternoon by ourselves. We bought a couple of t-shirts at the Life Is Good store and then drove into Perdido Key to go to Target for some new shorts and a shirt for Rudy. Then we drove a little further and stopped at the Flora-Bama. For those of you who aren't familiar with the F-B, it's worth the trip. It's a beach bar that looks like a strong wind could knock it over and it is truly the capitol of the Redneck Riviera. We went in just to take a look around and say we had been there. The people watching is top notch and we think we may have met the mayor of the Riviera. His name was Alan and he was there with his daughter (?) or wife (?) and a 2-year-old with a prize-winning mullett. If I could've taken a picture without being so obvious I would have. It was hilarious! We also really enjoyed watching a guy windsurf. That was amazing!

When we left the Flora-Bama, we headed back to Pensacola Beach and stopped to pick up a few things. We got back to the condo to find Mom upstairs getting cleaned up and Caleb and Mr. L. back out in the ocean. They came in and Rudy gave Caleb a bath while I freshened up and ironed my pants. Rudy and Mr. L. went to Joe Patti's to get lobster for dinner. I went outside and scouted a place for our family photo. Mom started getting dinner ready. Caleb played and ate a snack.

Finally - we all made it back together and headed down to the dunes (accompanied by a very kind neighbor) to take our family picture. Once we got a few good shots, Rudy and I walked down on the beach with Caleb to take a few more pictures. I got some wonderful shots and I'm working to get them on Shutterfly as quickly as I can. My new camera creates such enormous files that it takes forever to upload the pictures. Hopefully, I'll get them all up by Monday at the latest.

After our photo session, we came back up to the condo to wait on dinner. Mr. L. fixed Caleb and I our "drink of the day" - a peach daiquiri without alcohol - which Caleb loved. The drink of the day has become Caleb's favorite part of the day. He greets Mr. L. chanting "drink of the day, drink of the day" when he sees him coming with our cups. What kid wouldn't love a sugar-filled frozen concoction in the 96 degree heat? Plus...I put an umbrella in our cups for an extra festive touch. I get the special treatment just for being pregnant...lucky me! :)

Once dinner was ready and on the table, we all gathered 'round for a dinner of lobster, corn, potatoes, salad and green beans. Caleb had mac&cheese. We sat down to eat and I took one look at that lobster tail and felt my stomach make a turn for the worse. I ran upstairs to the bathroom, but managed to keep from throwing up, which I hate more than almost anything. I eventually regained my composure and rejoined the family dinner, but stuck to the potatoes, corn and green beans for my dinner. Everyone else (except Caleb, of course) raved about how delicious the lobster was and I truly wanted to eat it, but just couldn't. Pregnancy does crazy things to a girl. I love seafood more than just about anything I can imagine, but I have had a hard time this week with eating even shrimp. It's awful! I have this prime opportunity to eat fresh gulf seafood and it turns my stomach to even think about it. Good grief! What next? I decide I suddenly don't like pedicures or chocolate? I shudder to think of it!

After everyone finished their dinner, Caleb helped Rudy and I give Mom and Mr. L. a couple of gifts that we picked up for them. We gave Mom a really cool picture frame to celebrate her retirement. (When we get back from FL, she only has four more days of work left!) We gave Mr. L. a Life Is Good t-shirt for Father's Day. He and Caleb had a good time playing after dinner and then we knew it was time to wrap up the fun when Caleb announced to us that it was "time to go inside! I ready for bed!" He practically ran up the stairs and is sleeping soundly right between LaLa and Pops.

Rudy went for his evening walk and then did some reading. I've been trying to upload pictures for about 2 hours now. It's time for me to head for bed too. We're leaving around lunchtime tomorrow to head for our overnight stay in Jackson, MS. We'll make the rest of the drive home on Saturday.

This has been one of the best vacations I can remember. I can't believe it's already over.

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