Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Our family is officially in summer mode. I finished work on Wednesday (6/3) and Rudy finished at noon on Friday (6/5). I had a Children's Museum meeting on Thursday night. We spent the weekend kicking off our summer.

Saturday evening, we went to dinner with the Pratchards and left Caleb and their daughter, Bella, with a babysitter. It was the final evening of our 2009 Crawfish Feast. We've been out with them for crawfish once a month since the crawfish came in season this year. Afterwards, we sat on the patio at Jose's for a while, picked up ice cream and headed back to their house to relieve the babysitter.

On Sunday, we had Kathy and Grandma Voise over for dinner. Rudy grilled some delicious steaks and we enjoyed a nice evening with them. Caleb loved showing them all of his toys and all of his tricks. He's such a ham!

Other than that, I wasn't able to do a whole lot. I've been really fighting the nausea of early pregnancy and feeling pretty gross most of the time. I still can't figure out why they call it "morning sickness." It's more like all day and all night sickness! I haven't actually thrown up, but UGH it sure is miserable. Rudy has been an absolute life-saver. He has taken over most of the playtime with Caleb and has done more than I could've ever asked him to do around here. I keep promising him that this will pass and I'll be able to do more, but he just keeps assuring me that it's okay and he'll gladly do what needs to be done. I'm pretty blessed, right?

Yesterday, I went to my first OB appointment and then to get a few things for our beach trip. When I got home, Caleb was being his usual no-nap = cranky self. We hung out at home for a while until it was time to go to Gymboree. When we got to Gymboree, I found out that the class we're doing is just for kids - no parents allowed on the playfloor. I decided that was okay since Caleb is usually pretty independent. He went in just fine at first, then another kid started crying and he wasn't so sure. The class leader took a long time to get started and he got bored. That's when he decided he really didn't want to be there. I told him he could either go play or he could sit and watch the other kids play but that I wasn't going to hold him or let him leave the playfloor. He chose to sit for quite a while, then eventually decided he'd be okay joining in with the basketball activity. He shot quite a few baskets and then participated in the passing activities. He loved the 5 minutes of free play on the climbing equipment and was really excited about getting his Gymbo stamps at the end. When we left, he told me that he liked Gymboree ("gin-jo-wee") and that he would play more next time. We picked up dinner and brought it home and called it a night pretty early.

Today started out a little rocky - with Caleb waking up at 5:15!!!! He crawled into bed with me and Rudy got up to have a leisurely morning before going to teach trumpet lessons at 8:00. Caleb royally ticked me off by being wide awake that early in the morning and wanting to talk and play with me. Does he not know that I am NOT a morning person??? After an hour, I finally told him that he needed to stop messing around and he could either lay down quietly in my bed or go back to his own bed until it was time to get up. He tried to cry and then laid his head down and went to sleep. We both woke up at 8:15. After choking back the nausea, I got up and got ready, then got him dressed and took him to daycare. I had some errands to run and needed to get some things done today. We have to pay for daycare this summer whether we use it or not, so we're going to send him 2 days a week. It seems ridiculous to me that we're having to pay full price for daycare, but we can't afford to lose his spot for next year, so we're sucking it up and writing the checks. He loves going anyway and would be perfectly happy to go every day. I just can't bring myself to do that, though. I would feel like the world's worst mother and I would feel like I didn't get to spend enough time with him during my time off...even if I do feel like crap-o-la most of the time right now and can't do the fun stuff that I'd like to do.

Now we're getting ready for our beach trip. I'm going to do some preliminary packing this afternoon and finish it up on Thursday. I can't wait to get my toes in the sand and to watch Caleb play by ocean.

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