Thursday, December 17, 2009

Good News and an Update on all the Rest

We found out yesterday that Nana's tumor was in fact malignant, but that the doctors caught it in time. It was designated stage 1-2 and she doesn't have to have any further treatment. Her colostomy will be reversed in a few months. Rudy just got home from visiting her at the hospital and said that she is being released tomorrow. Hallelujah - I'd say this is just short of a Christmas miracle!

There isn't any new information right now about my grandmother. She's still fighting her oral infection and has a follow-up appointment on Monday. Hopefully, we'll know more then, but I'm not holding my breath for any definitive answers. I just hope they can help relieve some of her pain.

I haven't had any more blood pressure problems this week (knock on wood). I've actually felt pretty good, other than being generally uncomfortable. Nola is moving a lot and pushing pretty hard on my ribs, sternum and hipbones. My appointment on Tuesday was uneventful. I was only there for 10 minutes - just a measure and a heartbeat. While I'm definitely glad to hear that each and every time I go, these 2 week check-ins are pretty routine.

Caleb is doing much better too. He has had a good week at school and his cough is improving. He still gets pretty choked up sometimes, but he's doing fine. We'll be able to stop using the humidifier soon. Behaviorally, he's had a few tough days. I don't know any kids who aren't having tough days right now. The buildup to Christmas is almost unbearable for them. Things are out of routine and there's just so much excitement. Caleb has been whiny and fussy and has spent quite a bit of time in timeout lately. He's even gotten a couple of spankings when the timeouts just weren't cutting it. On Tuesday night, Rudy and I had reached our max with him after multiple trips to timeout and 2 spankings. Rudy put him in the bathtub right after dinner and I heard Caleb say, "Daddy, I having a hard day." I don't know how Rudy kept a straight face. What does a 3 year old know about a hard day??? Things are getting better now, though. Caleb and Rudy have found a new game to play. They go around the house pretending they are tigers - the daddy tiger and the big boy tiger. They pretend to eat Caleb's stuffed animals and Caleb thinks that's the most fun that has ever been had by anyone. Whatever it takes!

Last night, I had a hair appointment at 3:30 that took THREE HOURS. I ended up being 2 hours late for the SLP Christmas party, but the girls forgave me and we had a great time. I got home about 9:30 and Caleb was awake because his foot was hurting (growing pains again!). I went in to give him a kiss and he was so glad to see me. It was the perfect end to a good day. He told me that his friends at school woke him up yesterday at naptime and it "made him crazy." Apparently, he told his teacher the same thing.

Tomorrow is our last day of school for 2009! Hallelujah and Praise Be! Caleb's school program is at 3:30 and his party is right after that. He will be a shepherd in the program and I'll be taking lots of pictures. Should be fun...

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