Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween and Pneumonia

That's right...Caleb is sick again! But let me start at the beginning...

On Monday (10/29), we went to see the ENT, Dr. Black, for a tube-check and to get his thoughts on Caleb's tonsils, etc. He said that he's not at all worried about the tonsils. Hallelujah! He also said that Caleb's ears looked great! I about fell on the floor! I was surprised to find out that his tubes were completely out of his eardrums and could be removed from his ear canal with some long, skinny tweezers. That was a traumatic experience for Caleb and I both, since he had to be strapped down to a papoose board to do it. didn't involve surgery or anesthesia, so I was a relatively happy camper. (Caleb was not!) Dr. Black said that he would share the information with our pediatrician and that they would watch his progress together. If the ear infections come back, we'll probably get a new set of tubes and they'll likely take out his adenoids, but not his tonsils. I'm just praying for healthy ears and NO MORE TUBES.

That night was the Halloween carnival at Caleb's school. We got him all dressed in his costume and took him just for the photo ops! He (of course) had no idea what was going on, but had fun anyway. He loved the candy bowls with the hands that move on motion sensors. He thought that was terribly funny.
We stayed just long enough to get a picture with Jackson...I mean, Batman...and then we left.
Halloween was on Wednesday night. We went to the mall for a little while to see what was going on before we went over the Schmidts' to Trick-or-Treat in their neighborhood. It was cold, so I was glad that Caleb's costume was warm. His costume brought lots of laughs! Even though everyone seemed to think he was a chicken, we knew that he was the cutest duck that ever waddled. He got tired pretty fast and we resorted to the stroller, which was difficult - considering the amount of fluff in his suit!
On Friday, I met up with Monica and Jenny in Branson for Christmas shopping. I usually hate Branson, but it was good chance to see the girls and to get my shopping done early. I managed to mark off almost everything on my list! Yeah!!! (While I was in Branson, Caleb spent some time with his Grandma and Rudy got to play golf and go to the Razorback game with Chad.) The girls got up and left bright and early on Sunday morning, but I stayed and got some much-needed sleep. That turned out to be a very good thing...
Rudy called me at about 10:30 Sunday morning as I was leaving Branson. He said that he and Caleb had been up most of the night and they both were running fever. That was NOT what I wanted to hear! I got home as quickly as I could and they were both sleeping when I walked in the door. As I started to put away my things, Caleb started crying. I went in his room and picked him up. He felt feverish, so I took his temp. It was 102.5! I immediately changed his diaper and his clothes and started getting ready to take him to the urgent care...again. Rudy came in helped me get Caleb ready and then followed my insistence that he stay home and get some sleep while I took Caleb. We got to the doctor's office at about 2:00. We got into a room at about 3:00. We finally saw a doctor at 3:30. Caleb no longer even had a fever! After lots of talking and poking and prodding, Caleb got a chest x-ray and a swab to test for RSV. The RSV test was negative (Yeah!) but the x-ray showed pneumonia (Boo!). He had to have an antibiotic shot in his thigh and we got a prescription for another antibiotic. We were also told to start him back on the albuterol inhaler every couple of hours. The official diagnoses were bronchiolitis and pneumonia. I almost cried. The doctor recommended that we follow up with the pediatrician in a couple of days and said that Caleb couldn't go back to daycare until we did so.
So...I stayed home today (Monday) and called the pediatrician's office this morning. They suggested that I go ahead and bring him in today, since the doctor doesn't work on Wednesday. We got an appointment for 2:00. Caleb and I spent the morning together - just playing and snuggling. It was wonderful. I woke him up from his nap to go to the doctor and we got there at 2:00. Surprisingly, we got in to see the doctor really quickly. I thought that was a good sign, but it wasn't! The doctor and nurse worked together to get us in and out, but we ended up having to be there for over 3 hours waiting for lab results. It was crazy! They did blood work and said that his white blood cells and platelets were elevated (whatever that means). He had to have 2 more injections of antibiotic and we got another prescription in addition to another inhaler. Dr. Harmon said that Caleb can go back to school when he's fever-free for 24 hours. We're about 10 hours into that now. Caleb was so much fun tonight that it was hard to believe he's sick. He laughed and played and acted just fine all night! It was such a relief!
I'm staying home again tomorrow so that we can make it to the 24 hour mark with no fever. Plus, I'm supposed to call the doctor with a report on how Caleb is doing. If he's not better, we'll have to go back in for another shot and Dr. Harmon will try some other tactics to fight the pneumonia.
I asked him why Caleb has been so sick this year and confessed that I am very concerned about his immune system. He said that he's not really worried about immunodeficiency, since he's healthy-looking. He really thinks that he has just gotten sick and then been exposed to a lot of other things that keep him from getting well. My mental image is that he got hit really hard, fell on the ground and keeps getting hit as he's trying to get back up. It's not a good mental image...but it makes sense. Germs are such bullies!
Dr. Harmon said that he strongly suspects allergies for Caleb and that the winter will tell a lot for us since the highest allergens aren't present much in the winter. He said that he doesn't want to do allergy testing yet, since Caleb is so young, but that might be in our future.
Rudy also has a bronchial infection and got a shot for that today. He is going to work tomorrow because it's easier to deal with middle school students when you're sick than it is to deal with a sick toddler when you're sick. He had a low-grade fever this evening, but has been feeling okay tonight. He really wants to get better so that he can hunt this weekend. Plus, I think he's just tired of feeling bad.
Hopefully, this will be my last post about being sick for a while, but I'm not banking on it. I'm just praying that everyone in our family gets well and stays that way! This Mama needs a vacation from sickness!

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