Monday, February 26, 2007

Separation, Dirty Diapers and Ear Surgery

The separation anxiety is getting better...knock on wood. Caleb has been responding very well to a set routine for bedtime. We do bedtime bottle, diaper change, PJ's, brush teeth, read 2 or 3 books, lights off, sing a couple of songs and lay him down. He's usually asleep by the time I get his clothes laid out for the next day and his books put away. He has been sleeping through the night too! I'm able to put him down to play and walk away now too. Whew!

Last week, Caleb had some sort of stomach bug and Ms. Carrie took the brunt of it. For some reason, he had terrible diarrhea during the day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, but no problems at all at home. We started a bland diet and it seemed to help pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I got it on Friday and fought it all weekend. All is well now, though.

Caleb went to Jerry and Sherry's on Saturday to spend the night. We were supposed to go to an Alumni event on Saturday night, but with my stomach so upset, I just couldn't do it. Rudy went and I stayed home and scrapbooked all night. I actually enjoyed myself - despite the stomach issues.

Jerry and Sherry said that Caleb was a joy the whole time and was the star of the show at church on Sunday morning. We met them for lunch on Sunday and I was so glad to see my little boy! I still wasn't feeling so hot, so I slept most of the day while Rudy took care of Caleb.
This morning, we were up and at 'em early! We had to have Caleb at the surgery center at 6:45 to get his tubes put in his ears. He could not figure out why he couldn't have a bottle, so we had to do some very serious distracting to get through the morning! The poor baby was SO HUNGRY! We got there right on time and went back to a waiting/prep area. The nurses were so very nice and put our minds at ease as much as possible. We tried to occupy Caleb until they came to get him. Once he went into surgery, we went into the waiting room for about 10-15 minutes until they came back to get us. We were so relieved to see Caleb afterward; even though he was crying so hard he couldn't catch his breath. We got his bottle ready as quickly as possible and he was very glad to have it. Unfortunately, I only brought one bottle and he was hungrier than that, so he was mad when the bottle ran dry. That made him cry again, which meant taking in a lot of air. We had just gotten him calm when the air caught up with him and made him burp. That changed the air pressure in his ears and scared him. The poor little guy got all upset again and just fell apart. He literally screamed for an hour and a half - even after we got in the car and headed home. For the rest of the morning, he went from a little upset to a lot upset in just the amount of time it took to burp or hiccup. It was so sad. Rudy went to the grocery store and I finally got Caleb to sleep at about 9:45. We napped together in my bed until 1:00 this afternoon. We were very tired! After we got up and had lunch, he gradually got back to normal and then took a late afternoon nap. When he got up from his nap, he was our normal, happy-go-lucky little Caleb and we were glad to have him back! He has babbled a lot today and seems to be feeling fine tonight. He went down to bed with no trouble at all. I sure hope these tubes work and keep Caleb from having so many problems with his ears in the future!

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