Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Snow Day!

Yeah! We had a snow day today. It was only the third one we've had since I've worked for Rockwood, but it was well-deserved. We didn't really get that much snow, but the rain and sleet underneath the snow made for very slick roads. We stayed in all day and enjoyed being home. We went outside for about 10 minutes this afternoon, but it was too cold to stay out any longer!

Caleb has started to try to pull up on things - especially me. He loves to stand up and can stay on his feet for a long time with someone to help him balance. We support him either under his arms or at his hips so that we don't pull a joint out of socket, but he does all the work. He thinks he's big stuff! Last night, he kept trying to pull himself up to standing by pushing against my chest with the back of his head and pulling on the rocking chair with his hands. I know it sounds crazy, but it works for him. He loves it!

We switched to real milk on Sunday night and Caleb has done very well. He has had some strange diapers, but doesn't seem to mind drinking something different from what he's used to. We do have to warm it a little - he still hates cold things. We'll keep an eye on the diapers to make sure he's just adjusting and he's not allergic.

More than likely, we're back to work tomorrow. It would be a miracle to get 2 days in a row...

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