Monday, February 19, 2007

Some Cold Days in February and a Trip to Maryland

Thursday, 2/15/07
Caleb was an angel at Ms. Carrie's on Thursday. He slept and played and was his usual fun self. I picked him up at 3:30 and we went home. He played and had a good time and even took a short nap. I fed him at 5:00 and then we went with Jenny to El Nopal for dinner. He was great at dinner and enjoyed eating the cheese and sandwich meat that I brought for him. When we got home, the tide turned. He got cranky and crabby and was just generally a grump. It was not pleasant. Rudy got home from parent-teacher conferences at about 8:30 and played with him for a few minutes before taking him up to his bed. As soon as Caleb saw Rudy leave the room, he lost it. He screamed his little head off and we decided to just let him cry it out. Fifteen minutes later, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. I had to go check on him and try to at least calm him a little. When I got to his room, I saw a child I had never seen before. He was crying so hard, I thought he was going to be sick. His whole face was blotchy and he was inconsolable. I tried to just rub his head/back and calm him down without picking him up, but he was having none of that. I ended up picking him up and it was at least 10 minutes before I got him calmed down. I have never seen him like that. We decided that there had to be something more to it than just not wanting to go to bed. His belly was hard as a rock. I gave him some gas medicine, some Tylenol and his ear drops. I held him, rocked him and finally got him to sleep almost an hour later. I put him to bed and crept off into my room. He slept until about 2:30 and Rudy went in to calm him. All it took was a head rub and he was fine. We all slept the rest of the night, but we were flat exhausted on Friday!

Friday, February 16, 2007
Friday was yet another good day at daycare. We went home and got busy doing laundry and packing for our trip on Saturday. Friday night was another rough night, but not nearly like the 2 previous ones.

Saturday, February 17, 2007
We got up and headed to the airport early Saturday morning. We flew to Baltimore and Todd picked us up at the airport. We went to Todd and Tammy's house and Caleb loved meeting his aunt, uncle and cousin. He and Elle played together the whole weekend and had a great time! Saturday night we got BBQ and stayed at the house so the kids could play and we could visit. It was a lot of fun. Caleb was having no part of sleeping in the pack & play on Saturday night, so he slept in the bed while Rudy and I tossed and turned another night away.

Sunday, February 18, 2007
We were supposed to go to church Sunday morning, but everyone decided it would just be too much to try to do all of that with both kids and little sleep. When naptime was over, we packed up and headed to the mall. We had to take 2 cars because we had 2 carseats and 4 adults. The kids loved riding the train at the mall - it's Elle's favorite thing to do. We were going to go out to eat afterwards, but when we got ready to walk outside it was snowing so hard! We decided not to go out, so the boys went to get pizza and brought it home. The kids played again that night and (thank heavens) Caleb slept all night!
Monday, February 19, 2007
We got up and dawdled around for a while before we left for the airport. Our flight was fine and we made it home right on time. We stopped for dinner and then came home. Caleb got a bath and crashed out at 8:00. He slept all night and never made a sound until about 7:00 this morning. Hopefully, our sleep problem was a short-lived one. We'll see...

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