Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nola's Eating Cereal

At Nola's 4 month checkup, Dr. Schaefer gave us the green light to start feeding her solid foods. His instructions were to start with rice cereal, then do vegetables, then introduce fruits. Nola cried when he said to do the veggies before the fruits. She is SO my girl. I've laughed lately because we couldn't wait to start feeding Caleb "real" food. With Nola, we've kind of dreaded it because we realize that it's so much more trouble than just mixing up a bottle.

When we got back from Jan & Bill's on Memorial Day, I decided it was as good a time as any to start the cereal routine. I put a BIG bib on her and mixed up the cereal with formula. I put her in the bouncy seat on the kitchen table and offered her a bite. Here's her response:Caleb insisted on helping, so he put his hand on top of her head and talked her through it. He's such a good big brother!
After a couple of bites, she decided she liked it after all. By the time we were finished, she was grunting between bites to get more. She watched that spoon like a hawk to make sure I wasn't taking it too far away.
She made quite a mess. This doesn't even do justice to what she did by the end of the feeding. It was all over her face, in her hair, on her legs and even in her ears.
The next night, Nola was much less impressed with the idea of spoon-feeding. She cried and screamed and pretty much just wanted a bottle. The next night was better. We're pretty sure she has the hang of it now and plan to introduce vegetables soon.

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