Sunday, September 30, 2007

2nd ER Visit - exactly 11 mos after the first one

I have more to post about this weekend, but it will have to wait. I'm posting this at 11:30 on Sunday night. I actually copied and pasted it from an e-mail that I sent to our parents and a couple of friends:

We just got home from the ER. Everything is okay, but it's been an exhausting night. This afternoon, Caleb refused to nap. He cried for over an hour and a half while I tried everything I could think of to get him to sleep. I decided he was just being a twit and let him cry. He finally fell asleep and we both took about a 30 minute nap before he woke up screaming again. I noticed that he had something on his face by his right ear, but didn't think much of it. I figured it was runoff from the crying episode. He went to the park with Rudy, played at home and ate a huge dinner! As I was getting him ready for bed at 8:00, I used a baby wipe to clean his face next to his ear. He screamed like I was killing him. I got my otoscope and looked in his ear. Ugh - it was completely full of fluid and looked worse than any other ear I've ever seen. I sat him down on the bed and he fell asleep immediately. I told Rudy I was worried about it and that I thought we might need to take him to the ER, but I didn't want to overreact. We decided it was better to be safe than sorry, so we went. After waiting for what seemed like forever, we went back into the actual ER and waited some more. Finally the doctor came by and took one look in Caleb's ears and said we need two antibiotics - one for in the ear and one to take orally. We waited some more for the actual prescriptions to be written and then dropped them off at Walgreen's on our way home. Rudy has gone to get them now. I tried to put Caleb down to sleep in his bed and he threw a holy fit, which I would normally ignore, but I just can't since I know that he doesn't feel like himself. When I'm sick, I want my Mama and I guess he does too. We're going to sleep on the guest bed tonight and hope for the best.

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