Sunday, September 6, 2009

Starting off With a Bang

Two and half weeks of school behind us and we've all already had the stomach flu. Does this happen to everyone else or is it just us? Honestly, we do everything they tell you to do - frequent hand-washing, don't eat or drink after other people, wipe down surfaces often, etc, etc, etc. But all three of us spend the majority of our waking hours in a school or daycare. It's bound to happen, right?

It started last weekend. We didn't have anything planned. It was supposed to be a relaxing weekend at home before we started the craziness of football season, which leads right into the holidays. Last Friday night, we went to Frisco Festival with Grandma Voise and Kathy and had a great time. As of my last post, Rudy was starting to feel bad and Caleb and I were supposedly doing better. Not-so-much. Rudy ended up with the full-blown stomach flu and so did Caleb. By midnight Sunday, Rudy was throwing up in the bathroom and I was holding a bowl in front of Caleb. Ugh. We all stayed home on Monday (sick day #1) so that I could take care of Caleb while Rudy recuperated.

By Tuesday morning, we were back at work/school and doing fine. Caleb even went to Gymboree and then we had dinner together at Firehouse Subs. Rudy worked band practice and came home worn out! Wednesday and Thursday were quiet nights at our house - nothing on the schedule for a change except for packing to go to Hot Springs for the weekend. We were so excited to go to my parents' house for Labor Day weekend. Rudy and I were even geared up for the first Razorback game in Little Rock.

I got to work Friday morning and hit the ground running. I was doing great - rocking through my schedule and seeing my kids like normal. About 10:30, I started feeling a little woozy. By 10:45, I was struggling to stay in the game. My lunch time is at 11:15 and I wanted nothing to do with lunch. I went into the nurse's office to get my temp checked, but didn't have a fever. I decided to chill out during my lunch time and try to make it through the rest of the day. I was honestly hoping it was something pregnancy-related and it would pass soon. By 12:00, I knew that wasn't the case. I stuck my head in the principal's office and told her I was going home (sick day #1 & 1/2). I got home just in time. Between 1:00 PM and 1:00 AM, I went back and forth from the bathroom to the bed, fighting fever and throwing up. I called my OB's office and they said that I needed to call back if my fever topped 101.4, which it never did. I was also given a prescription for phenergan, which helped me sleep through some of the fever pain. The nurse called back at one point and suggested that I go to a clinic for a flu test and possible flumist. By that time, Rudy was already gone to meet my parents in Mansfield to hand Caleb off to them for the weekend. He knew that I would need his help and we really didn't want Caleb to be exposed to the flu again. Plus - Mom and Mr. L. were already planning on having us there for the weekend, so it worked out well. Saturday morning, Rudy took me to the convenient care clinic, where we waited for an hour to be seen. The nurse practitioner told me that he couldn't do a flu test because I didn't have any nasal congestion. They were most concerned because my blood pressure was so low. Urinalysis showed that I was slightly dehydrated, but not enough to worry about. I was sent home with instructions to drink a lot of pedialyte, monitor my fever and continue the phenergan as needed. Rudy brought me home and then went back to the grocery store for a stock-up on bland foods and pedialyte - and a replacement toothbrush for me. I spent all of yesterday napping and watching football, which wasn't too different from what Rudy spent his day doing.

I finally lumbered out of bed and into the living room to watch the Razorback game at 6:00 last night. I was determined to watch it on the big TV in the living room, instead on the little one in the bedroom! Nothing better than starting the season with a kickoff return for touchdown, right? We beat Missouri State 48-10 and now we have a week off before Georgia comes to town on the 19th. I fell asleep during the 4th quarter, but woke up in time to see BYU beat Oklahoma before I fell back into the bed. I tried to watch some of the Alabama game and some of the LSU game, but couldn't keep my eyes open.

I woke up at 10:30 this morning without fever - HALLELUJAH! I've managed a shower today and have eaten a bowl of noodles. I'm feeling a little hungry now, so I think I'll try to eat something else soon. Now I'm sitting on the couch watching some more football, while Rudy has gone to play golf and enjoy this beautiful day. He is going to pick Caleb up tomorrow and they are having lunch with Jan. I'm looking forward to having Caleb home, but I don't have the energy just yet to keep up with him. I'm hoping by the time he gets home tomorrow, I'll be ready to roll.

As for HotShot - I'm a little worried, because I haven't felt any movement today. I'm hoping that he/she is just as drained and worn out from this bout with the flu as I am and having a day of rest. If I don't feel some movement by Tuesday morning, I'll call my doctor's office. I'm not trying to borrow trouble unnecessarily, but I can't help but worry a little. According to my bathroom scale, I've lost about 9 pounds since Friday morning. I'm 2 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight, so this is kind of like starting over in that realm. I'm not worried at all about that. I know it's all fluid and it'll come back.

As for Caleb - he has been for a couple of boat rides, wore his new Razorback jersey yesterday and has had a generally great time at Pops and LaLa's house. I'm sure he's not looking as forward to coming home as we are looking forward to having him home.

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