I decided this afternoon that I needed a good laugh. Armed with my laptop and a few hours of quiet in my house, combined with very little energy or reason to leave the house, I came up with this list of websites that never fail to make me chuckle, snort or sometimes laugh out loud.
To the faint of heart or easily offended: These are not censored and are not guaranteed to be g-rated. I personally prefer to censor my own thoughts and just skip over anything that hints at being offensive.
People of Wal-Mart: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/
Cake Wrecks: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/
Stuff White People Like: http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/
Awkward Family Photos: http://awkwardfamilyphotos.com/
Redneck Pictures: http://www.lilligren.com/Redneck/new_redneck_photos.htm
School Survival (for kids who hate school): http://www.school-survival.net/comic_relief/pics/
FAIL: http://failblog.org/tag/g-rated/
Bad European Design: http://www.omodern.com/Eurobad/euro.html
1970's JCPenney Catalog: http://funny-farm.tressugar.com/771943
Funny Farm from Tres Sugar: http://funny-farm.tressugar.com/latest
There I Fixed It: http://thereifixedit.com/
You Suck at Craigslist: http://www.yousuckatcraigslist.com/
Bad Interior Design: http://www.lileks.com/institute/interiors/index.html
Glamour Don'ts: http://glamcam.glamour.com/galleries/Worst%20Don'ts
What am I missing? Any sites out there that make you laugh?
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