Sunday, January 16, 2011

Christmas Day 2010

Our Christmas started off like most families who celebrate Christmas with kids - opening presents.   I did force them to take one picture together before they started tearing the paper:
And then the madness began.  Nola wasn't quite sure about the whole process, but she liked playing with the paper and boxes.  She was only slightly impressed with her baby doll, bouncy balls, sing-a-ma-jig, and Elmo book.  Caleb liked that he got Mario Kart for the Wii.  He wants to be a race car driver when he grows up.  Mario Kart will prepare him for his future, right?  If not, maybe he can somehow use the nerf gun or Toy Story blanket.
After the presents were opened and the paper was cleared from the living room, we celebrated Rudy's 35th birthday with our traditional birthday pancakes (microwaved, with sprinkles and candles on top). 

After the pancakes were sufficiently enjoyed, it was time to get a move on.  We had to pack and get to Sherwood for the next stop on the Christmas Express.  We got to Memmie and Poppie's right at 3:00 - just as the final touches were being put on the Christmas lunch.  (Nice timing...)  We thoroughly enjoyed visiting with Memmie, Poppie, Ron, Mary and Beth.  The kids got some more fun toys and Caleb played outside for a bit.  We stayed until almost bedtime and then drove over to Hot Springs to spend the night.
Poppie & Nola
Memmie & Caleb playing with the Lite Brite
Mary & Nola

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