Friday, September 2, 2011

Filling Buckets

We had a good 3rd week of school.  Everyone stayed well!  We were excited because Rudy got an extra night at home on Tuesday since he didn’t have band practice.  Wednesday night was the first night of Wednesday Night Live.  Caleb started going to the K-2 Buzz class and I started a women’s study called The Frazzled Female.  Appropriate, right?

The week ended with a wonderfully happy surprise!  Caleb was chosen by his teacher as his class bucket-filler for the month of August!!!  Our school is doing an initiative this year focusing on positive behaviors.  We are basing it on the book, How Full Is Your Bucket?  The book explains to kids that when our “bucket” is full, we are happy; when our bucket is empty, we are sad.  The book teaches kids to fill others’ buckets by doing nice things and using nice words.  It also teaches kids to avoid dipping in others’ buckets by doing actions that hurt others.

bucket book

The kids (and adults) get recognized for positive behaviors.  Last week, Caleb got a “bucket note” from Mrs. Becky in the office for bringing in a lunchbox that was left on the playground.  Then, earlier this week, he got a note for picking up trash on the playground without being asked.  Finally, his teacher gave him a note for helping in the classroom.  He was SO excited because his playground note was read on the morning “mouncements” (announcements).  All of his notes are displayed in the hallway.

So, this afternoon, I opened his school folder and found a letter from Mrs. Christian saying that Caleb had been chosen as the bucket-filler of the month from his classroom.  I got tears in my eyes when I read these words:

“We are proud to announce that your child has been chosen as the classroom bucket filler for this month because they had more bucket filling actions than any other student in their class.  We want to recognize their actions by taking their picture and posting it on our website as well as submitting their picture to the paper to possibly be published in an upcoming feature.”

My bucket is overflowing!  I am so proud of my awesome little boy who chooses to make good choices at school.  He shows God’s love to other people with the choices that he makes more often than not.  He’s growing up and showing responsibility.  I could not be prouder of him if he won a Nobel Prize.


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