Monday, September 3, 2007


Humor me. I'm a speech path. :)

At 16 months (as of yesterday), Caleb can say the following words:
Dudu (Dewey)
dog "dah" (sometimes he just barks instead)
bird "buh" (points at the window where there used to be baby birds in a nest)
LaLa "wawa"
cracker "kah-kah"
night-night "nah-nah"
ball "bah"
nose "nuh" (points to his and ours)
bye bye
duck "duh" (quack-quack)
banana "nana"
tree "tee"
Woo Pig "ooo dah" (with hand motions)

We swear he's also saying, "what's that?" He says it all the time with perfect question inflection: "uh dah?"

He also signs "more" - but that's just his sign that he wants something to eat or drink. He doesn't really understand that it means "more."

He shakes his head for "no" and nods his head for "yes". The nodding is hilarious, because he always raises his eyebrows and makes a funny face when he does it.

His receptive language is also getting really strong. He understands when we ask him to get things, come here, let's go, etc.

Other than the fact that he claps for us after we sing to him and that he tries to sing along sometimes, you'll have to ask Rudy about Caleb's musical skills. I can only tell you about his speech and language. Ha!

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